Welcome! Everything Is Fine.

Welcome to Tov! Each week or so we’re discussing another episode of The Good Place along with a Jewish text or idea or two that relates to the theme of the episode. (“Tov” is the Hebrew word for “good.”) Over the series, we’ll talk about big issues of ethical philosophy and different angles on teshuvah, the Jewish metaphor for “returning” to a new path for our lives. We have some special episodes as well, with people who worked on The Good Place or some particular topic.

Hopefully we’ll hit a sweet spot of fun and deep! We’re not selling Judaism here. Maybe you’ll like a Jewish idea we talk about, or maybe you’ll prefer the way “The Good Place” tees it up. At our best, some Jewish idea will be more interesting or even more truthful than it would otherwise be when we let a “Good Place” story help us learn it, or when we can see how Eleanor, Chidi, Michael, Jason, Tahani, or Janet explains it or contradicts it!

Listen to each episode on its own page with show notes, and subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Sticher, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict, Spotify, or pretty much anywhere. Follow at @tovgoodplace and on Facebook and Instagram! Share with anyone you think might be curious!

Bookmark our site so you can find show notes for each episode with the texts we reference and links to deeper dives. Take a look at the resources on the site already while you’re here now.

The first episodes came out in August and September 2021, coinciding with the season leading into and through Rosh Hashanah, the new year. But in Judaism, teachings and practices around reflection and reorienting — teshuvah — are for all year, and they are what “The Good Place” is all about!