Chapters 14-15: When My Soul Was In the Lost-and-Found

On “The Good Place”, Michael reboots, Janet gives Eleanor back her Chidi note, and the humans find each other again. On the podcast, Jon and Dan connect teshuvah with losing and finding things, animals, and people, and explore a classic Jewish teaching that “twists” what it means to be wise, honored, rich, or happy.

(Go to
Jewish Lexicon on this site for more on Jewish terminology, names of texts and other background. The links here in the citations take you to the specific quotes in their full source contexts.)

Torah — Deuteronomy 22:1-3
Don’t see your brother’s ox or his sheep wandering
and make as though you haven’t seen them —
return, yes return them to your brother.
And if your brother is not near you, or you do not know him,
then gather it into your house and it will be with you
until your brother seeks it and you return it to him.
Do the same with his donkey and do the same with his garment
and do the same with anything your brother has lost,
that has become lost to him and you have found;
You may not pretend that you haven’t seen.

Babylonian Talmud, Bava Metzia 28b 
The Sages taught: Initially, anyone who found a lost item would proclaim his find for three pilgrimage Festivals and for seven days after the last of the three pilgrimage Festivals… From the time that the Temple was destroyed, may it be rebuilt speedily in our days, the Sages instituted that those who find lost items shall proclaim their finds in synagogues and study halls. 

…The Sages taught: There was a Claimant’s Stone in Jerusalem, and anyone who lost an item would be directed there and anyone who found a lost item would be directed there. This finder would stand and proclaim his find and that owner would stand and provide its distinguishing marks and take the item.

Mishnah, Pirkei Avot 4:1
Ben Zoma said:
Who is wise? One who learns from every person, as it is said: “From all who taught me have I gained understanding” (Psalms 119:99). 

Who is mighty? One who subdues one’s [evil] inclination, as it is said: “One that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and one that rules their spirit than one that takes a city” (Proverbs 16:32). 

Who is rich? One who is happy with one’s lot, as it is said: “You shall enjoy the fruit of your labors, you shall be happy and you shall prosper” (Psalms 128:2) “You shall be happy” in this world, “and you shall prosper” in the world to come. 

Who is honored? One who honors one’s fellow human beings as it is said: “For I honor those that honor Me, but those who spurn Me shall be dishonored” (I Samuel 2:30).

[Coming shortly — photo of the stuffed Ben Zomal!]

“(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”
Written by Gerry Goffin, Composed by Carole King
Aretha Franklin version with words on video

Deeper Dives on spiritual losing and finding:
Reb Mimi Feigelson


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