
Welcome to Tov! Each week we'll discuss an episode of "The Good Place" along with a Jewish text or idea or two that relates to the theme of the episode. Hopefully the sweet spot of fun and deep! Listen to this 2min30s intro, subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Sticher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Podcast Addict. Follow us at @tovgoodplace and on Facebook and Instagram! Share with anyone you think might be curious!

Bookmark our site so you can find show notes for each episode with the texts we reference and links to deeper dives. Take a look at the resources on the site already while you’re here now.

The first episodes are coming Sunday, August 8 and Monday, August 9! Why then? These days are the start of Elul, the month in the Jewish calendar leading to Rosh Hashanah, the new year. Traditionally the month of Elul is a time of reflection and reorienting — teshuvah, which is what “The Good Place” is all about!


Chapter 1: Measuring Deeds